Friday, February 11, 2011

SMW 2011: Why is Pandora Pimping Out Moms?

From Social Times:

Everyone knows mom bloggers are hot right now, between time spent online and purchasing power, different markets around mom bloggers are estimated to be in the trillions. Trillions. A few months ago Adweek published a summary that projected mommy bloggers to grow from 3.7 million to 3.9 million this year but from the looks of it these numbers are deeply conservative. Blissdom, a mom blogging conference held each January had its fifth successful meetup this year and if you take one look at #blissdom on Twitter you can even see conversations year round. eMarketer predicts the number of mommy bloggers in the U.S. will reach 4.4 million in 2014. The mom factor is a powerful one behind commerce and corporations are jumping on the bandwagon, but our moms the new endorsement?

This week in NYC for Social Media Week, Pandora and RedBull hosted a panel of mom bloggers with the theme of music and how it applies to family life, but after a short time and soft agenda it became interesting to see the shift of consumer focus. Why is Pandora partnering with mom bloggers and what corporations are next to do so? Nichelle Pace, founder of StyleMom, talked about her experience having two kids: a younger and older one and how picking good products that moms like crucial for any business. Tomorrow there is “Building Brand Advocacy Among Women” though the bigger revelation will be which corporations are following this thread and what it means for the future of buying trends.

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